A82/A85 average speed cameras now live

The Average Speed Camera (ASC) system between Tyndrum and Lix Toll on the A82/A85 has now commenced enforcement.
Across the 15.9 mile stretch of road between Tyndrum and Lix Toll there have been 21 recorded injury collisions with up to one in every three vehicles speeding despite the deployment of resources at three mobile enforcement sites.
The change of enforcement strategy to ASC aims to improve driver behaviour and speed limit compliance, smooth out traffic flows and make journey times more reliable. The evidence from previously implemented systems across Scotland shows that average speed technology has helped to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on the road.
With construction underway since late 2019, the system contains 6 sites along the 15.9 mile stretch of road between Tyndrum and Lix Toll. Cameras are located 5-7km apart, with cameras operating in each direction. The system has cost approximately £250,000, which includes the design process, engineering and installation.
Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Michael Matheson said:
"Safety cameras are deployed where they have the greatest potential to reduce injury collisions. There have been 21 recorded injury collisions on our road network between Tyndrum to Lix Toll and around one in every three vehicles are speeding. This system will help to encourage improved driver behaviour and compliance with the speed limit which we expect will save lives.”
"The positive impact average speed camera systems have in improving road safety has been evidenced from other areas in Scotland. We remain committed through Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2020 to making our roads safer, and we are working towards an ultimate vision of zero fatalities and reduced number of serious injuries on our roads.”
Chief Inspector Mark Patterson, Police Scotland Road Policing, said:
"This average speed camera system has been installed to make the journey between Tyndrum and Lix Toll safer for all road users. This section of road carries a high volume of commercial, local and tourist traffic and excessive speed has been a significant contributory factor in collisions resulting in serious injury or death. Elsewhere in Scotland the introduction of average speed camera systems has been shown to reduce road casualties. I would expect these cameras to encourage greater compliance with the posted speed limits and improved driver behaviour, resulting in safer journeys and fewer serious collisions."
Gordon Watson, Chief Executive of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park, said:
"This is a key route through the north of the National Park but has unfortunately experienced a high number of collisions and speeding incidents in the last few years. We want everyone visiting and living here to be able to enjoy the area safely so we welcome the introduction of these average speed cameras that have been designed to help maintain the look and feel of the road network in the National Park.”
Further information:
21 recorded injury collisions (1 fatal, 11 serious & 9 slight) based on the 3 year base case period 2014-16.
Further details available at: https://www.transport.gov.scot/our-approach/statistics/#42761
Further information on the Tyndrum – Lix Toll ASC system is available at: https://a82-a85road.info/