A93 Drumoak - new flexible deployment location

A new flexible deployment location has been identified within the 30mph limit at Drumoak on the A93.
Following concerns from residents and at the request of Aberdeenshire Council the North Safety Camera Unit will start to enforce at Drumoak with a mobile safety camera van this week in a bid to reduce vehicle speeds and make the route safer for all road users. A recent speed survey recorded a terrifying high speed of 83mph, 53mph above the speed limit.
Eric Dunion, Manager of the North Safety Camera Unit, said: "The flexible deployment scheme allows us to enforce at locations of concern for an initial 3 months, with the aim of improving driver behaviour by encouraging motorists to slow down and drive within the speed limit in areas where there are other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians. At Drumoak, where the speed limit is 30mph, motorists should appreciate that the speed limit in place for their own safety, that of their passengers and other road users and to travel in excess of these limits is breaking the law.”
Andrew Wilkinson, Principal Road Safety Engineer at Aberdeenshire Council said: ‘We welcome the introduction of the new flexible deployment site at Drumoak. Having targeted enforcement carried out by the North Safety Camera Unit is part of our strategic approach to improve road safety by encouraging improved driver behaviour and speed limit compliance. These changes in driver behaviour contribute to delivering the outcome that we all want, a reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured across the road network and ultimately working towards our vision zero commitment where no one is killed or seriously injured on our roads’.