East Safety Camera Unit announces flexible deployment on B810, Shieldhill Road, Reddingmuirhead, Falkirk

The East Safety Camera Unit will commence a flexible deployment on B810, Shieldhill Road, Reddingmuirhead, Falkirk on Friday 29 July 2022.
Safety cameras aim to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured by encouraging improved driver behaviour and speed limit compliance. This site does not meet the criteria for permanent camera enforcement, however it does meet the requirements for the flexible deployment scheme. This allows enforcement for a maximum of three months in high footfall areas, where speed surveys have shown there is an issue with speed limit compliance and active travel could be encouraged by lower speeds.
East Safety Camera Unit Manager Michael Grant “Flexible deployments allow Safety Cameras Scotland to work in partnership with Police Scotland and local authorities to address concerns in areas that have a high footfall where there is an evidenced issue with speed. Despite a previous flexible deployment in 2021, speed surveys at this location have shown that there is still a significant number of drivers exceeding the 30mph speed limit, which is concerning due to the proximity to Braes High School and other local amenities. This deployment should be a reminder of the importance of adhering to the speed limit in built up areas.”