New flexible deployment location on B9005 at Methlick

Following concerns from local residents and at the request of Aberdeenshire Council, Police Scotland’s North Safety Camera Unit will start to enforce at Methlick, from 1st June 2022,with a mobile safety camera van to work towards reducing vehicle speeds along this stretch of road.
Whilst this location does not meet the criteria for permanent camera enforcement, it does meet the requirements for the flexible deployment scheme. This allows enforcement for a maximum of three months in high footfall areas, where speed surveys have shown there is an issue with speed limit compliance and active travel could be encouraged by lower speeds. The most recent speed survey showed that 340 vehicles a week were travelling at least 10mph over the 30mph speed limit with a high speed of 56mph.
Eric Dunion, Manager of the North Safety Camera Unit said: “The flexible deployment scheme provides us with the opportunity to enforce at locations where concerns have been raised and evidenced with speed survey data but would not meet normal deployment criteria. The result of the speed survey at Methlick has provided the evidence that motorists are ignoring the speed limits which are in place for the safety of all road users. We will be enforcing during the next 12 weeks providing a visible deterrent to modify driver behaviour and targeting vehicles travelling in excess of the speed limit.”
Andrew Wilkinson, Principal Road Safety Engineer at Aberdeenshire Council said: “We welcome the introduction of the new flexible deployment site at Methlick. Safety cameras play an important role ensuring road users travel at safer speeds and within the limits. Having targeted enforcement carried out by the North Safety Camera Unit is part of our strategic approach to improve road safety by encouraging improved driver behaviour and speed limit compliance. These changes in driver behaviour contribute to delivering the outcome that we all want, a reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured across the road network, and ultimately working towards our vision zero commitment where no one is killed or seriously injured on our roads.”