Safety Camera on Main Road, Cardross, to begin enforcement

The fixed speed camera installed Main Road, Cardross will begin enforcement on Monday after speed surveys showed 56% of vehicles on the road were travelling above the 30mph speed limit.
The busy commuter road connects the towns of Dumbarton and Helensburgh, and consequently sees a high volume of traffic moving through the village of Cardross.
The site was highlighted during Safety Camera Scotland’s site selection after 9 injury collisions were recorded over a 5 year period. Argyll and Bute Council had introduced high friction surfacing and barriers to improve the safety of the road, however speed surveys showed that 56% of traffic was still travelling above the speed limit.
In an effort to reduce the number of injury collisions and target those traveling at inappropriate speeds on the road the decision was taken to implement a fixed speed camera.
Inspector Bart Simonis, Area Inspector for local policing stated ‘Road Safety remains a local policing priority across Argyll & Bute. We have been working closely with a host of partners delivering various initiatives and events to improve decision making and influence driver behaviour across our communities. We are fortunate to have our specialist Roads Policing officers based locally who continue to supplement and support local policing. I know the community of Cardoss are fully behind this enforcement plan and we look forward to seeing an improvement in driver behaviour.’
Alan Bowater, Area Manager for the West Safety Camera Unit, added ‘Motorists need to be reminded that they should drive cautiously and at a moderate speed through villages, and the effective placement of the fixed speed camera should act as a deterrent to those driving at inappropriate speeds. Drivers who continue to travel at irresponsible speeds through this residential area will face a £100 fine and 3 penalty points.’
Further information on Safety Cameras Scotland and our camera locations can be found on our website