East Safety Camera Unit announces summer short term deployments on A708, St Mary’s Loch, Cappercleuch


Over the summer months the East Safety Camera Unit will be operating additional short term deployments of the mobile safety camera van on A708, St Mary’s Loch, Cappercleuch, Scottish Borders, where there is expected to be an increase in motorcycle and tourist traffic.

Safety Cameras aim is to reduce the number of people injured on our roads through targeted camera enforcement and improving driver and rider behaviour. Short term deployments allow the East Safety Camera Unit to respond to emerging issues for a period of one month.

The first short term deployment will commence on the week beginning 3 June 2024, for a period of one month, with additional short term deployments commencing on weeks beginning 1 July 2024 and 5 August 2024.

East Safety Camera Unit Manager, Michael Grant “With the improved weather conditions, it can be tempting for motorists to exceed the speed limit and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable as they have no protective shield from the impact of a collision. This short term deployment should be a reminder of the importance of staying within the speed limit at all times for the safety of all road users.”

Inspector Ross Drummond, Lothians & Scottish Borders Road Policing “I’m aware that many motorcyclists will be looking forward to exploring Scotland during the summer months and the A708 at St Mary’s Loch is part of a particularly popular route. With most motorcycle collisions caused by a loss of control, due to excessive speed for the road conditions or sudden braking, we encourage motorcyclists to ride at a safe speed within the limit so they are able to react to the road conditions. I would also encourage motorcyclists to ensure they wear appropriate protective clothing no matter how long their journey - if a collision does occur the right clothing and equipment can help prevent serious injuries and loss of life. I want every road user to have a safe summer in the Lothians & Scottish Borders and the short term deployment of the East Safety Camera Unit will help encourage all road users to travel at an appropriate speed and be aware of each other.”