New flexible deployment location – B9077 - Leggart Terrace, Aberdeen

A new flexible deployment location has been identified within the 30mph limit on the B9077 Leggart Terrace, Aberdeen.

Following concerns from residents and at the request of Aberdeen City Council, Police Scotland Safety Cameras will commence enforcement on B9077, Leggart Terrace with a mobile safety camera van from the 1st August in a bid to reduce vehicle speeds and make the route safer for all road users.  A recent speed survey recorded that 20% of motorists were travelling in excess of the 30mph speed limit.

Eric Dunion, Police Scotland Safety Cameras Manager said:  "The flexible deployment scheme allows us to enforce at locations of concern for an initial 3-month period with the aim of improving driver behaviour by encouraging motorists to slow down and drive within the speed limit.

We know that Leggart Terrace is often used by other road users such as pedestrians and residents have rightly raised their concerns about the level of speeding vehicles on the road and this was confirmed with the speed survey which highlighted that 10790 motorists were travelling in excess of the speed limit in place.

Mark Patterson, Police Scotland Road Policing Chief Inspector said: “We are committed to working with our partners in order to influence driver and road user behaviour and reduce casualties. I am delighted that following the concerns raised by residents that our safety camera’s will be implementing a flexible deployment location which are part of a crucial partnership response to improving road safety.”


For more information on the Police Scotland Safety Cameras see

